Livings Costs for International Students Seen by Data

Comparing Fukuoka with Tokyo/Osaka

Compared to Tokyo and Osaka, prices of daily goods and rental costs are relatively low in Fukuoka, and the comfortable and convenient living environment is a big advantage.

Monthly living expenses by region
Monthly living expenses by region
Monthly living expenses by category
Monthly living expenses by category

Part-Time Job

International students are allowed to work part-time after receiving “permission to engage in an activity other than permitted” from the Immigration Bureau. Please note, however, that working hours are limited to 28 hours per week, except for vacation periods. Approximately 74% of self-financed international students work part-time to help cover tuition and living expenses (according to JASSO). Most students work at restaurants, and the average hourly wage is around ¥900 in Fukuoka. The national average monthly income from part-time jobs is ¥65,000 (according to JASSO).

Scholarship Programs

Scholarship programs in Japan are mostly run by (1) the Japanese government (government-sponsored), (2) JASSO, (3) municipalities and international exchange promotion organizations, or (4) private businesses and organizations. Among self-financed students from overseas, 51% receive scholarships, with a monthly average of ¥58,000 (according to JASSO).

*Fukuoka International Exchange Foundation, serving as FiSSC Head Office, offers scholarship programs to support international students.